Articles for Wellbeing as we age
Find out how you can lead a life full of energy, positivity, clarity, vitality and great health – regardless of your age!
Is eating potatoes good for you?
Eat your spuds! For some reason, when I heard a lot of my clients or people I talk to “apologising” for eating potatoes. For some reason, potatoes seem to have gotten a reputation of being “bad” for you or being “fattening”. So, let me debunk the potato myth and show...
Why do I eat when I am not even hungry?
In this article, I explore where sugar cravings come from and the 6 different types of "non-hunger eating". Let’s face it, we all know deep down that we should eat more vegetables and stay away from processed foods, don’t we? Then why is it so difficult? Why can we...
Delicious and nutritious chocolate recipes
Following my post on "How to maintain a healthy weight whilst eating chocolate", I would like to share my favourite recipes. Banana Icecream Serves 2 Ingredients: 1 Banana A handful of (frozen) berries 1 tbsp nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew, etc.) 1 tsp raw cocoa...
Just keep your mouth shut and you’ll lose weight! Seriously???
This research study suggests that the reason why people are overweight is that they haven’t got the discipline or willpower to control their eating and therefore have to be forced into it.
Why do I always eat foods that I know I should not eat?
There are two words in this sentence that I’d like to ask you to take out of your vocabulary if you want to create lasting (new) healthy eating habits. In fact, there are 3 words I’d like you to challenge every time you hear yourself using them. Do any of those...
How to maintain your healthy weight whilst enjoying chocolate!
I confess I am a chocoholic. There are very few days when I don’t eat some form of chocolate – or probably rather something containing cacao. You might think that enjoying chocolate every day is something to feel guilty about and fear that chocolate is something you...
Why should I take a supplement?
“I don’t really like taking supplements!” is something I often hear from my clients when I suggest a specific supplement that can help improve how they feel. I totally get it: I don’t like taking medication either if I can avoid it. I don’t like taking supplements if...
Is there anything I can do if a disease runs in the family?
Is it in your genes or is it your lifestyle? We know that genetics can play a part when it comes to our health and our risk to develop certain diseases. And many of us fear an outcome of a genetic test - especially if we have seen loved ones suffer from a chronic...
Is coffee healthy? Coffee – Friend or Foe?
Coffee – Friend of Foe? Is drinking coffee healthy? So many of my clients ask me “can I drink coffee?” when we put together a personalised nutrition plan. Or when I meet friends, they might ask me “I didn’t think you’d drink coffee, isn’t that bad for you?” First of...
20 Minutes Can Change Your Life!
Our bodies are absolutely amazing and when we look after them well, and feed them only what they are designed to deal with, they will look after and make us feel and look great again!
Let me help you along the way!
Are you fed up putting up with signs of ageing and would love to turn back the clock?
Here is the solution!
Find plenty of tips and information what foods and lifestyle choices are now necessary if you want to continue living an active and healthy life in your 50's, 60's and beyond!
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