Articles for Wellbeing as we age

Find out how you can lead a life full of energy, positivity, clarity, vitality and great health – regardless of your age!


Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you in LOVE with sugar?

Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you in LOVE with sugar?

When we sugar, it activates similar parts in our brain and releases similar brain chemicals as when we experience emotions such as love, affection, sympathy, empathy, being cared for, being hugged, being appreciated, being rewarded, being acknowledged.
Often, when we crave these emotions, we experience cravings for sugar – but this happens at a very sub-conscious level, so we don’t really know it’s going on. We simply crave sugar and don’t know why.
In this article, I explain more about where sugar cravings come from, but more importantly, what we can do to reduce sugar cravings. I will also explain where sugars are hidden (so that we might be eating it without realising), why eating sugar is not “giving love” to our bodies and why sugar promotes faster ageing and all the symptoms that go with ageing.

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Would you consider taking Ozempic?

Would you consider taking Ozempic?

Ozempic makes you feel so full that you can’t eat anymore. But there are other ways that help you get that signal of feeling full that are natural and without side effects. Ozempic doesn’t address the root cause of why we tend to eat when not hungry.

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The Power of Journaling

The Power of Journaling

Positive feelings reduce our cortisol (stress) hormones. Cortisol has been linked to weakened immune system which can result in colds & flus, but also in more serious health issues where the immune systems are overburdened. Cortisol can also be the reason why weight-loss isn’t happening even with extreme restrictive diets. It disturbs sleep which leads to lack of energy and motivation. And constantly high cortisol makes you age quicker!

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ONE thing that you need to do to age well

ONE thing that you need to do to age well

As long as you believe and trust that age is just a number and refuse to “blame” age – you will be looking for solutions and you will find them!
On the other hand, as long as you simple blame it on “age” and believe you just have to put up with it from now on, you are not going to do anything.

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Choose to feel uncomfortable before you are being forced to

Choose to feel uncomfortable before you are being forced to

Choose to feel uncomfortable – Don’t wait until you are forced to feel uncomfortable as you age! You might have heard the saying “Feeling uncomfortable leads to growth”, or something along those lines. But it feels very abstract. Why would you voluntarily choose to...

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6 Super easy tips to reverse symptoms of feeling old

6 Super easy tips to reverse symptoms of feeling old

Are those people who get old and stay fit and mentally alert just lucky or have good genes? Or can we influence how we feel, how fit we are and how mentally sharp we stay as we get older? Many people blame symptoms such as lack of energy, weight gain, becoming...

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Why shouldn’t I eat that cake if I fancy it?

Why shouldn’t I eat that cake if I fancy it?

Many people have been telling me that they don’t want to live a life where they constantly must think about whether something is good for them or not. They tell me, they want to eat a piece of cake when they fancy it and not restrict themselves. While they do...

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How do you manage to stay so slim?

How do you manage to stay so slim?

“How do you manage to stay so slim, when you are eating so much?” 3 “hacks” to stay slim without food restrictions I’ve recently been away with a few friends on a fully organised tour programme where meals were included and where we spent a lot of time eating. One...

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How Golf helps you live longer and healthier

How Golf helps you live longer and healthier

Golf for longevity When we think why golf might be good for us, most people will think it's because of the exercise you're getting while out there. But most other sports involve some form of movement that is healthy and contributes to a longer life. What makes golf...

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20 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Our bodies are absolutely amazing and when we look after them well, and feed them only what they are designed to deal with, they will look after and make us feel and look great again!

Let me help you along the way!

Are you fed up putting up with signs of ageing and would love to turn back the clock?

Here is the solution!

Find plenty of tips and information what foods and lifestyle choices are now necessary if you want to continue living an active and healthy life in your 50's, 60's and beyond!


Eat to turn back the clock

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