Articles for Wellbeing as we age

Find out how you can lead a life full of energy, positivity, clarity, vitality and great health – regardless of your age!


Why an All-or-Nothing approach to healthy eating works best

Why an All-or-Nothing approach to healthy eating works best

PRESS THE RESET BUTTON IN YOUR BODY FOR BEST RESULTS! I am sure everyone agrees that the days of fad ā€œStrawberryā€ or ā€œEggā€ diets are well gone. Everyone knows now that fad diets donā€™t work and while theyā€™ll help you lose weight, youā€™re most likely to put it back on...

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Is it you? Or is it just a habit?

Is it you? Or is it just a habit?

ā€œWe are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.ā€ -Ā Will Durant (1961) A lot has been written about habits and how we can change our habits, whether we want to create new positive and healthy habits or get rid of old, unfavourable habits....

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Stop trying to eat healthily

Stop trying to eat healthily

Itā€™s a mistake we often make: When things donā€™t work out quickly the way we want them, we tend to look for all sorts of ā€œproofā€ as to why this just doesnā€™t work for us.
As long as you are doing and taking the right steps towards your goals and desires, you cannot fail. Because everything that doesnā€™t work out was necessary in your learning process. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn from it and become better at it.

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Do you love your liver?

Do you love your liver?

January was ā€œLiver Awareness Monthā€ ā€“ Find out why we all need to pay more attention to our livers if we want to live a long life full in our best health. When we focus on healthy eating, we focus generally on the things we should or should not be eating. And yes,...

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Make your best ever New Year’s Resolution for 2023

Make your best ever New Year’s Resolution for 2023

Do you remember your best-ever New Yearā€™s Resolution? The one you wrote out and the one you stuck to and that stayed with you for the rest of your life because it was so brilliant? If you do have an answer to this question, you are certainly the minority. If at all,...

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Debunking 3 standard “Healthy Eating Rules”

Debunking 3 standard “Healthy Eating Rules”

The Diet Industry is keeping most people trapped in a cycle of ā€œbeing on a dietā€ and ā€œfalling off the trackā€ and cycles of feeling guilty and ā€œIā€™m just not good enoughā€ or ā€œI am just not able to stick to any plansā€ In this article, I am going to de-bunk 3 rules that...

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Does healthy eating require more time?

Does healthy eating require more time?

What would you think, if you learned how to prepare healthy meals in less time than ordering a takeaway or heating up a ready meal?Ā 
How would you feel, if all the things that are going on in your life, would actually NOT feel like stress and you could enjoy them instead?Ā 
What would it be like to understand why you might feel so overwhelmed and that it could be down to some of the foods you are currently eating?Ā 
How would it feel to have loads of energy all day long, and not to need a rest when that afternoon slump hits?Ā 
How would your working day look like if you were focused on everything you do, and managed to get your tasks done quicker?

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20 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Our bodies are absolutely amazing and when we look after them well, and feed them only what they are designed to deal with, they will look after and make us feel and look great again!

Let me help you along the way!

Are you fed up putting up with signs of ageing and would love to turn back the clock?

Here is the solution!

Find plenty of tips and information what foods and lifestyle choices are now necessary if you want to continue living an active and healthy life in your 50's, 60's and beyond!


Eat to turn back the clock

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