Articles for Wellbeing as we age

Find out how you can lead a life full of energy, positivity, clarity, vitality and great health – regardless of your age!


How to avoid weight gain when injured or sick

How to avoid weight gain when injured or sick

Having done damage to my knee ligaments recently, and been told you need to be at least 6 weeks on crutches, my first thought and worry was “How am I avoid putting on weigth during this period?” Just because I know what I “should” be eating does not mean that I am...

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Alternatives to HRT

Alternatives to HRT

The recent article in the Lancet “Menopausal hormones: definitive evidence for breast cancer” (1) has scared a lot of women who have been taking HRT for a while and who have felt the benefits. It made me both angry, and relieved at the same time! 12 years ago, I was...

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What exercise is best for weight-loss?

What exercise is best for weight-loss?

What exercise is best? If you are considering starting a new exercise regime, you might be overwhelmed with the number of options that are out there and might find it hard to decide which one is best for you. This can often actually lead to doing nothing! First of...

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Stress – Effects on Food and Mood

Stress – Effects on Food and Mood

I’ve finished preparing my talk for the Library in Bray on the topic of Stress, and how stress affects our food choices and our mental well-being. April is Stress Awareness month and being aware of what stress actually is and how it works in our bodies is the first...

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Should obesity be classified as a disease?

Should obesity be classified as a disease? I just read an article discussing whether obesity should be classified as a disease . It made me think. I think, I one of the “dangers” of classifying obesity as a disease, is that people might stop taking responsibility and...

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Top 10 Tip for a Merry Healthy Christmas!

Top 10 Tip for a Merry Healthy Christmas!

TOP 10 TIPS FOR A MERRY HEALTHY CHRISTMAS! (Some can be applied all year round!) Tip #1: Stay mindful Christmas time is a time where we are surrounded by foods, everywhere you go you are offered Minced pies or Mulled wine. And yes, it is the time to enjoy it,...

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Nutritional Therapy vs General Nutrition Advice

Nutritional Therapy vs General Nutrition Advice

Nutritional Therapy vs General Nutrition Advice Today, you find advice on Healthy Eating and Lifestyle EVERY WHERE. In magazines, newspaper supplements, in your gym, in radio and TV programs, in cooking demostrations life or on TV, from your GP, from your friends and...

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20 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Our bodies are absolutely amazing and when we look after them well, and feed them only what they are designed to deal with, they will look after and make us feel and look great again!

Let me help you along the way!

Are you fed up putting up with signs of ageing and would love to turn back the clock?

Here is the solution!

Find plenty of tips and information what foods and lifestyle choices are now necessary if you want to continue living an active and healthy life in your 50's, 60's and beyond!


Eat to turn back the clock

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