wellness retreats
Golf Wellness Retreat
Escape to an relaxing and transformative 3-day golf wellness retreat.
Re-discover your love for the game!

Take a weekend out – improve your golf & your well-being!
Venue: Orlagh House, Rathfarnham
Date: 1st and 2nd April 2024
“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.” –
Bobby Jones
This weekend will be perfect for the start of the golfing season.
We will cover
- how you can keep your energy and concentration up during your game – with the right nutrition
- how you will stay mindful and fully present – and in the zone – for the full 18 holes
- the perfect stretches and movements to keep your body in the flow, flexible and strong for the game
- what golf can teach us about resilience and life
- how you can set realistic and achievable goals to get your handicap down
We will do this by using various tried and tested methods that demonstrate life-changing and transformational results for your golf and overall wellbeing & health.
Golf can teach us a lot about life. It can be frustrating at times and exhilarating at others. Often, we approach a healthy lifestyle in the same way – we start full of enthusiasm, have one blip and give up because we feel we just can’t do it. Bringing together years of experience in health & lifestyle coaching, Nutritional Therapy, elements of life-coaching, mindfulness practices, golf specific exercises, mindset training, business training, Ilona Madden and Caitriona Fogarty will be your main facilitators of this weekend.
Gift yourself the space and time to look at golf in a holistic way!
Who is this retreat for?
- All golfers
- Anyone who wants to be able to play golf up into a high age
- Anyone who is willing to embrace a healthy lifestyle and nutrition
- Anyone who is open to self-improvement
- Anyone who wants some time out with like-minded golfers and health enthusiasts
What’s included?
1 x Overnights at the amazing Georgian House Orlagh House, Rathfarmham, close enough to the city centre, on the foot of the double mountains, with a real country feel.
1 Dinner, 2 Lunches, lots of snacks, tea / coffees and other treats
Yoga, Meditation, Grounding, mindfulness practises, golf warm-up and stretching exercises, golf drills
1 Workshop on What golf can teach us about healthy lifestyle
1 cooking demo on how to make healthy snacks
1 Workshop on Best Nutrition to keep your energy and focus up during the game
1 x 60-mins Golf group lesson
Walks, Relaxation, Time out with like-minded, time out for just yourself
How will your days look like?
As soon as you drive up through the grounds of Orlagh House, you feel instantly relaxed.
After a warm welcome by your hosts, we will all meet at 10 am on Saturday morning for tea/coffee and a healthy treat to set us up for the day.
After the introduction, we get centered and focused with a meditation and intention setting for the weekend.
10.30-12.00 First workshop: Gain resilience in golf and in life. What golf can teach us about life? How to achieve a great golf mindset.
12.00 – 12.30 Discussion round and Q&A
12.30 – 13.00 Your host will bring you to your rooms, time to settle in, take out your journal and take write down your thoughts about this morning’s workshop.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch in the dining rooms
14.00 – 15.00 Guided mindful walk on the grounds. Being fully present and mindful is a key element of golf, but because there’s often too much time in between to chat, sometimes, it can be hard to re-focus. We will practice this during the walk.
15.00 – 16.30 Second workshop on best nutrition to keep up energy and concentration during your 18-holes competition
16.30 – 17.30 Cooking demo and tasting of healthy treats for the golf course
We put into practice what we just learned about healthy eating and will taste some of the delicious snacks.
17.30 – 18.30 Re-energise with some yoga stretches designed to help you with your golf swing
19.00 Dinner and Relaxation
You will also have time during dinner to ask your hosts any questions on the topics you heard during the day and are encouraged to discuss these amongst the group
Sunday morning:
8.00 – 9.00 am We will start with an energising grounding and yoga practice that is geared at all levels of experience and fitness, weather permitting we might even do the class outdoors. Of course, you can also opt to have a lie-in!
9.00 – 10.00 am Nourishing Breakfast
10.00 – 11.00 Workshop on Commitment and goal setting mindset to improve your golf – Draw for the teams
11.00 – 12.30 Group Golf tuition to learn small changes that make big differences
12.30 – 13.00 Packing and check-out
14.00 Meet at (tbc) Golf Club for a Team tournament
18.30 Award ceremony for the winners and closure
Terms & Conditions
In order to confirm your booking a deposit of €100 per room is required. To get full terms & conditions and cancellation policies, please contact the organizer.
Min. 16 persons – max 27
€ 399 per person
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