
Eat Well-Being in 2023!

improve your life with nutrition and lifestyle!

Happy and healthy gut

During this 4-week course you will get more clarity of how healthy & happy can feel. 

Feeling on top of the world

After this course, you will feel

  • energised and motivated.
  • loving your tummy.
  • in control again.

You will have a better understanding of how stress, sleep, movement and nourishment are all connected so it will be easier for you to make healthy choices in the future.


4-week  Group course (in person)

Start Thu 16th March, 7.00 – 9 pm – Bray, Co. Wicklow 

Use these 4 weeks to get into your best possible shape – physically and mentally !

What we eat has a huge impact on our overall well-being.

This course is not another weight loss or detox programme (although we will be covering these topics during the course).

This course is designed to make you feel well and full of vitality – physically and mentally!

Make real changes and don’t do the things again that haven’t worked in the past! It’s not you or your lack of willpower!

Find out WHY it hasn’t worked in the past, and what you personally can do for your own well-being.

If eating less and exercising more isn’t working for you anymore, it is because our bodies are much more complex and what we put into them is much more powerful than just calories!

During those 4 weeks, you will learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel.

And most importantly learn easy tips and tricks to feel better physically and mentally.

This course is for you:

  • If you just want to start doing something for your health.
  • If you like the support of a group.
  • If you want to learn healthy routines that are easy to implement into your busy life with work and kids.
  • If you want to get a better understanding of healthy nutrition and lifestyle and get clarity from too much conflicting information out there.
  • If you want to find out how to get rid of those cravings that kept boycotting your best efforts in the past.
  • And also if you also want to discuss your own personal health issues on a one-to-one with a qualified Nutritional Therapist.

Week 1: Connection between what we eat & how we feel. Carbohydrates/Fasting

Week 2: Proteins and Fats/ Cholesterol / Detoxification

Week 3: Healthy digestion / Gut health / Microbiome / Nutrition Gap

Week 4: Bringing it all together: Nutrition, Stress, Sleep, Movement

This is a holistic approach to health taking all aspects of your body and mind into consideration.

You will not only learn the WHAT’s to do, you will also work on actually applying what you learned and learn the HOW!

I don’t just hand out nutrition plans, I give you the confidence to follow a plan that suits you!

  • No calorie counting!
  • No weigh-ins!
  • No deprivation!


What’s included?

– 2 x 30 mins 1-2-1 consultation before and after the course
– Personalised nutrition recommendations
– 4 x 1h30mins workshops 
– Private Facebook membership group for support throughout the 4 weeks
– Pdf of the presentation and handouts
– Self-care Journal and Coaching tools
– Recipe eBook and shopping list

You’ll be eating delicious, satisfying and nourishing foods that will keep you full for longer, so that cravings won’t have a chance to hit.

Even if you have a busy schedule and don’t like to or have no time to cook, you will find the recipes and suggestions easy. And you’ll discover lot’s of tips & tricks to get good food into you. (Believe me, I’ve been there myself. I don’t particularly like cooking, always have a very busy schedule, and I love my chocolate and red wine!)

As it’s always more fun to try out new things in a group, so there be will be a Facebook group, where we can hold each other accountable for, support each other, and where I’ll be there for all your questions.

This is not a quick fix diet. This programme is about educating, motivating and supporting you to create new habits that will last!

You will also receive a personal 1-2-1 30x minutes consultation before and after the programme to make sure that you will get the most out of the course.

This workshop is limited to 10 people, so be quick to secure your place!

Would you like to read what former participants of my groups programmes have to say? Read here.

€ 160

20 Minutes Can Change Your Life!

Our bodies are absolutely amazing and when we look after them well, and feed them only what they are designed to deal with, they will look after and make us feel and look great again!

Let me help you along the way!

Are you fed up putting up with signs of ageing and would love to turn back the clock?

Here is the solution!

Find plenty of tips and information what foods and lifestyle choices are now necessary if you want to continue living an active and healthy life in your 50's, 60's and beyond!


Eat to turn back the clock

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